Roofers near Stockton-on-tees from £34 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent
Average hourly rate from 17 roofers in Stockton-on-tees ex VAT or callout

Roofer: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Stockton-on-tees

Roofer: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Stockton-on-tees (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Roofer near Stockton-on-Tees£36£210
Roofer near Middlesbrough£36£210
Roofer near Redcar & Cleveland£37£211
Roofer near Sunderland£31£217
Roofer near South Tyneside£30£219
Roofer near Gateshead£30£220
Roofer near Newcastle Upon Tyne£30£220

Jobs for Roofers near Stockton-on-tees

New Roof required. 92 Londonderry Road, Stockton on tees, TS19 0es

New roof

Re bed 24 ridge tiles on single story roof

Replace roof ridge tiles

New roof

Replace flashing and leadwork

Repair a leaky roof

Replace the first ridge tile on the end of the roof st the front of the house

1. Following the replacement of the gas boiler on a three storey house with pitched roof, some of the the roof tiles around the flue have been disturbed dislodged and the felt underlay has been damaged around the flue area. You can see daylight from inside the roof space. 2. I would require the assessment and extent of the damage caused and the costs involved to replace the missing and damaged...

My Dormer roof is leaking. When it rains I would like a quote for it .

I am looking for someone who can look at a roof for a house that i am purchasing and give me some advice if theres enough life in the roof or does it require maintaining or a new roof.

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