Roofers near Bedford from £28 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent
Average hourly rate from 69 roofers in Bedford ex VAT or callout

Roofer: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Bedford

Roofer: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Bedford (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Roofer near Bedford£33£217
Roofer near South Bedfordshire£33£217
Roofer near Mid Bedfordshire£35£225
Roofer near Milton Keynes£32£209
Roofer near North Hertfordshire£37£231
Roofer near Luton£37£231
Roofer near Northampton£30£200
Roofer near Huntingdonshire£40£244
Roofer near South Cambridgeshire£32£229
Roofer near East Hertfordshire£37£230

Jobs for Roofers near Bedford

Repair a chimney - Quote Required 1. Chimney Sweep 2. Vent to be installed at top and base of redundant flue. As we want a log burner installed this might not still be required and a flue liner required instead so quote on this if accurate 3. Lead flashings around chimney are loose. Renew any defective flashings. 4. Roof contractor skilled in leadwork.

Cement verge to the gable end for both front and rear elevation requires re-pointing. Old cement needs to be chopped out and replaced. Under- cloaking appears to be of asbestos cement, needs reputable contractor who is qualified in asbestos awareness

Flat roof To redo flat roof with insulation

Replace missing tile

Remove existing tiles on a sloping roof, fit new underlay and replace the tiles. Area aprox 35sq m

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