Quickly find a Car Mechanic in Thurrock

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  1. Post your job: Click "Get Quotes" and briefly describe your job.
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  3. Select your Car Mechanic: Compare Car Mechanics  interested in working with you. You can use HaMuch to safely message local Thurrock Car Mechanics or phone them directly - you’re in control!

Contact trusted car mechanics in Thurrock

PP1 Autos

Car Mechanic in Thurrock, RM16.

Need a Car Mechanic in Thurrock? PP1 Autos has been helping local clients (5 mile radius) with their car mechanic jobs for many years. Get a quote today.

"Check the timing belt and if needed a new timing belt changed "


Mobile Mechanic East London

Car Mechanic in Thurrock, SS17.

Need a Car Mechanic in Thurrock? Mobile Mechanic East London has been helping local clients (20 mile radius) with their car mechanic jobs for many years. Get a quote today.

"MOT "


Local Car Mechanics in London Boroughs

Find out how much Thurrock car mechanic jobs cost

Full annual car service cost£192
Replacement exhaust cost to supply and fit£152
MOT cost£58
Clutch replacement cost£452
Cost to replace brake pads and discs£256
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plus materials

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Cheap car insurance renewal in Thurrock

Cheap car insurance £46.80 per month
Ford Fiesta car insurance £52.65 per month
Ford Focus car insurance £62.08 per month
Ford Mondeo car insurance £73.65 per month
Ford Kuga car insurance £87.75 per month
VW Golf car insurance £61.72 per month
Vauxhall Corsa car Insurance £60.13 per month
Nissan Qashqai car insurance £61.76 per month
BMW 3 Series car insurance £51.74 per month
Vauxhall Astra car insurance £57.87 per month
Nissan Juke car insurance £66.85 per month
Volkswagen Polo car insurance £58.84 per month
Black Box Insurance £94.45 per month
Young driver insurance £122.00 per month
Convicted Driver Insurance £56.75 per month
Over 50's car insurance £24.21 per month

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