Builder small jobs near Kent from £20 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent

Hi, my name is Duran. I was born and bread in England, and have lived in a few different countries over the years. Ive done renovation work in Thailand and been doing carpentry and joinery for 20 years. I completed my apprenticeship city and guilds and have learnt many other trades over the years. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to meeting you soon!
I cover the Canterbury and kent area. However, I am willing to travel around the country for suitable and well-paid jobs.

35 years in the trade can Lay bricks plaster roofing wall and floor tiling

Small family building business reliable friendly service  and very high  quality of works

Average hourly rate from 78 builder small jobs in Kent ex VAT or callout

Builder Small Job: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Kent

clear on price Builder Small Job
Builder Small Job: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Kent (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Builder Small Job near Canterbury£26£193
Builder Small Job near Swale£31£210
Builder Small Job near Thanet£22£178
Builder Small Job near Dover£25£191
Builder Small Job near Maidstone£33£227
Builder Small Job near Southend-on-Sea£32£213
Builder Small Job near Basildon£34£222

Jobs for Builder Small Jobs near Kent

Remove chimney breast

Remove chimney breast

Remove chimney breast

Remove chimney breast

Painter decorator

Testsajkfh;askdg;fldskdl d..dlfks;ldklks

I am looking for a cheap builder to complete an extension



Wall knock through into kitchen and new Small bathroom

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