Extension builders near Kent from £20 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent

Our building services company Gilson Construction have thirty years’ experience and have been helping customers in Kent and the surrounding area by providing professional, trustworthy carpentry and building services. We know it can be hard to find a carpenter and builder that you can rely on. Gilson Construction has a wealth of experience in all aspects or carpentry, joinery and general building. We pride ourselves on providing a professional, caring and high-quality service and always meet ...

35 years in the trade can Lay bricks plaster roofing wall and floor tiling

Small family building business reliable friendly service  and very high  quality of works

I have been working In home improvement and the Decorating services for around 30 years, experiencing high end work & clients and building up a reputation for reliability and a professional approach & finish..My Business has evolved over the last few years to include colour advice with mood boards/visualisation help where needed and design advice, along with an over all project management should the client require .

Average hourly rate from 87 extension builders in Kent ex VAT or callout

Extension Builder: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Kent

clear on price Extension Builder
Extension Builder: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Kent (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Extension Builder near Canterbury£27£198
Extension Builder near Swale£32£215
Extension Builder near Thanet£24£183
Extension Builder near Dover£26£194
Extension Builder near Maidstone£34£230
Extension Builder near Southend-on-Sea£33£217
Extension Builder near Basildon£35£223

Find hourly & daily prices for Extension Builders in the UK

Services offered by Extension Builders

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