Contact trusted tilers in Peterhead

JJM Tiling

Time served professional tile fixer with over 20 years in the trade offering a first class service 

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Fixes All

✦✦✦ Fixes All. Aberdeenshire Property Maintenance ✦✦✦ All your household needs in one place!!! You can check our prices and testimonials online and order job - See our last jobs online in instagramm - Our page in Facebook - Best Regards. Alex 07516005703

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Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Tilers near Aberdeen£23£180

Find out how much Peterhead tiler jobs cost

Cost to tile a floor£525
Cost to tile a bathroom£525
Cost to tile a kitchen£350
Cost to regrout tiles£265
Cost for different types of tiles£350
Tile a 14m2 kitchen floor with ceramic tiles£511
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