Plasterers near LL19 from £19 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent
Average hourly rate from 47 plasterers in LL19 ex VAT or callout

Plasterer: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around LL19

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Plasterer: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around LL19 (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Plasterer near Wirral£24£165
Plasterer near Flintshire£20£151
Plasterer near Conway£19£155
Plasterer near Liverpool£24£166
Plasterer near Sefton£25£171
Plasterer near Vale Royal£20£153
Plasterer near Chester£20£153
Plasterer near Knowsley£24£167
Plasterer near Wrexham Maelor£20£153
Plasterer near Halton£21£163

Jobs for Plasterers near LL19


We had a roof tile come loose last year, which led to the rain coming through. This caused ceiling damage leading to a large crack in our downstairs bedroom ceiling. I'm unsure if just the one area can be patched, or if the whole room ceiling needs replacing.

I require skimming over old rough plaster ( pebbledash effect) on the toilet walls. Please be advised that this is a small job.

To plaster/skim toliet walls. This job is to cover over pebbledash coating. It's a small tolilet.

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