Painter & decorators near EH14 from £16 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent
Average hourly rate from 59 painter & decorators in EH14 ex VAT or callout

Painter & Decorator: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around EH14

clear on price Painter & Decorator
Painter & Decorator: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around EH14 (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Painter & Decorator near Edinburgh£24£184
Painter & Decorator near West Lothian£26£174
Painter & Decorator near Falkirk£25£157
Painter & Decorator near Fife£31£182
Painter & Decorator near South Lanarkshire£18£157
Painter & Decorator near North Lanarkshire£22£155
Painter & Decorator near Scottish Borders£20£160

Jobs for Painters & Decorators near EH14

Paint exterior of house

Paint exterior of house

Paint and decorate a room

Old housemate has moved out after 16 years, we want to know how much a 2 bedroom tenement house would cost? room1 = 14m2, room 2 = 11m2, room 3 = 13m2 room 4 = 5m2 + hallway.

Paint and decorate a room

Paint exterior of house

Paint exterior of house

Paint and decorate a room

Painting or staining a fence

Paint exterior of house

To paint a 5 bedroom flat in Bruntsfield, it has 5 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, utility room and a L shaped hallway. Paint all walls, ceilings, doors and skirting .

Paint and decorate a living room

Paint and decorate a room

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