Builder small jobs near Folkestone from £20 per hour

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Average hourly rate from 64 builder small jobs in Folkestone ex VAT or callout

Builder Small Job: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Folkestone

clear on price Builder Small Job
Builder Small Job: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Folkestone (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Builder Small Job near Dover£25£191
Builder Small Job near Canterbury£26£193
Builder Small Job near Thanet£22£178
Builder Small Job near Swale£31£210
Builder Small Job near Maidstone£33£227

Jobs for Builder Small Jobs near Folkestone

INFRASTRUCTURE Foundation Section1. Labor operations: - Axing and beaconing - Slope and placement of pearl stone - Formwork and removal of foundation and elevation plate - Formwork and removal of concrete parapet and concrete walls - Formwork and removal of elevators and basement stairs - Iron concrete reinforcement in: foundations, elevation, diaphragm walls, concrete parapet ...

Measured surfaces and quantities of concrete and reinforced concrete - Foundation 120 cm thick - 1110 sq m (formwork) - Concrete walls 120 cm thick - 445.50 sq m (formwork) - 24cm walls (around the stairwell and elevators) - 392 sq m (formwork) - Concrete iron (estimated quantity) - 78 Tons - Concrete - 1,332 cubic meters Infrastructure maintenance - Concrete foundations -1110 sq.m -...

INFRASTRUCTURE Foundation Labor operations: - Axing and beaconing - Slope and placement of pearl stone - Formwork and removal of foundation and elevation plate - Formwork and removal of concrete parapet and concrete walls - Formwork and removal of elevators and basement stairs - Iron concrete reinforcement in: foundations, elevation, diaphragm walls, concrete parapet stairs and elevators....

Brick up kitchen door, install new window, move kitchen sink, sort out/refit plumbing. Install new radiator/pipe work in conservatory. Remove shower and replace with a bath

Property maintenance including plumbing

Fibreglass small flat root

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