Builder small jobs near B63 from £18 per hour

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Average hourly rate from 199 builder small jobs in B63 ex VAT or callout

Builder Small Job: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around B63

clear on price Builder Small Job
Builder Small Job: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around B63 (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Builder Small Job near Dudley£24£194
Builder Small Job near Sandwell£24£193
Builder Small Job near Birmingham£24£194
Builder Small Job near Wolverhampton£24£194
Builder Small Job near Walsall£24£194
Builder Small Job near Solihull£24£192
Builder Small Job near Wychavon£25£196
Builder Small Job near Coventry£24£191
Builder Small Job near Warwick£24£192
Builder Small Job near Stratford-on-Avon£25£195

Jobs for Builder Small Jobs near B63

It's only a small job, pointing bricks around a porch, 5 courses high, 5 metres long. Can be done anytime between now and Wednesday. Regards

Remove chimney breast

Remove chimney breast

Laminate flooring needs for bathroom which is one and an half meter in length and less than one metre in width.

Remove chimney breast

Single story kitchen extension, 12ft x 12ft

Remove chimney breast


Repair reskim one wall in bedroom. Tile round kitchen sink. Turn a door around. Lay a path in back garden. B45 area.

Loft conversion for an extra room and ensuite

Remove bath fit walk in shower replace toilet and wash basin tiling flooring and wall panels. estimate required.

Need a quote to Remove chimney breast on ground floor(semi detached house) ready to hire in 4 weeks.

Wall paper removal from ceiling downstairs rooms, small house 3 bed room with small reception rooms

Wall paper removal from ceiling downstairs rooms, small house 3 bed room with small reception rooms

Loft conversion

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