Plumbers near Banbury from £30 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent
Average hourly rate from 46 plumbers in Banbury ex VAT or callout

Plumber: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Banbury

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Plumber: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Banbury (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Plumber near Cherwell£48£281
Plumber near Stratford-on-Avon£42£239
Plumber near Warwick£40£235
Plumber near Oxford£50£291
Plumber near Aylesbury Vale£50£276
Plumber near Northampton£45£266
Plumber near Milton Keynes£48£269
Plumber near Coventry£38£230
Plumber near Nuneaton & Bedworth£38£228
Plumber near Wychavon£41£261

Jobs for Plumbers near Banbury

Fit Asian style toilet Bidet.

Fit outside garden tap

Good evening, We have had a toilet flushing button to stop working/ stuck as it did not return up to the default position. Based in Hereford Way, OX16. Thank you.

Water supply pipe replacement (moling) 12-15 meters. Job to include connection outside and connection inside the house under sink.

Kitchen tap dripping and downstairs toilet flush not filling tank. Could you give me a quote? Thanks!

Fix dripping tap in kitchen and downstairs toilet flush.

Attaching shower head hose

Install a washer dryer

Shower is dripping water though the downstairs walls. HOW MUCH WILL IT COST ME

Two toilet inlet/float replacements

Fit outside garden tap

There is a leak underneath my bath tub that has leaked through the ceiling

Reming an old toilet and replacing as new one

Radiator doesn't work

Fit new kitchen sink

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Kitchen plumbing jobs
Sink or Basin
Outside Tap
Bathroom plumbing jobs
Pipework plumbing jobs
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