Cleaners near Norwich from £13 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent
Average hourly rate from 11 cleaners in Norwich ex VAT or callout

Cleaner: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Norwich

clear on price Cleaner
Cleaner: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Norwich (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Cleaner near Norwich£20£142
Cleaner near Broadland£18£132
Cleaner near Breckland£18£152
Cleaner near Waveney£15£35

Jobs for Cleaners near Norwich

Just need someone to clean a 3 bed flat, for end of tenancy, as students are moving out.

1 bedroom apartment with bathroom and kitchen needing cleaning + oven. One off

Clean 3 bed house weekly

End of tenancy cleaning

I have a one bedroomed flat (off Newmarket Road), with lounge, kitchen and bathroom. I can only afford a cleaner to visit once a fortnight. Thank you. Kathy Voisey

End of tenancy clean for 3 bedroom and two bathroom house.

Clean house weekly. 3 bed semi detached

Clean house 4 hours including ironing an ironing of bed sheets

My house is a 5 bedroom house with 3 bathrooms and 1 toilet room. We need a regular weekly clean for the main 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms/1 toilet room. The rest of the two bedrooms and one bathroom just need monthly clean.

Clean house weekly on a Wednesday or Thursday for 1-2 hours. 4 bedroom house, 1 bathroom, 1 toilet, 2 reception rooms.

4 bed house LARGE with 2 showers 3 toilets , a bathroom to be clean every 2 weeks

Weekly clean. Bungalow. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge, kitchen, conservatory.

Clean as needed basis. Also washing sheets and towels and popping sheets back on beds

Clean a house twice in a month

Semi detached house, one bathroom, three bedrooms needs cleaning for a couple of hours every two weeks.

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