Plumbers near BT17 from £21 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent
Average hourly rate from 59 plumbers in BT17 ex VAT or callout

Plumber: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around BT17

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Plumber: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around BT17 (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Plumber near Lisburn£32£215
Plumber near Belfast£32£214

Jobs for Plumbers near BT17

Supply and replace two toilets

Fit outside garden tap

Cistern is leaking from two bolts which attach it to the main toilet.

Toilet cistern is leaking

Repair leak on heating connection on hot water cylinder

Need bathroom tap fitting

Fit outside tap for pressure washer

Fit mixer tap with shower

Seal or re silicone a bath or shower

Look for a plumber to annual C12 in August 24 boiler and hob

Replace a bath

Fix a leak radiator

Install a washing machine

Install a washing machine

Removing old kitchen, and need a new mains water tap fitted. After new kitchen install we need plumbing for sink/washer/dishwasher, and a radiator moved. Thanks in advance Jonathan

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Sink or Basin
Outside Tap
Bathroom plumbing jobs
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