Painter & Decorator's rates near Chester

Range from the cheapest £18 per hour and £140 per day (Francis Decorators based in CH1) to the dearest £22 per hour and £155 per day (C S Tiling based in LL13).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of Painter & Decorator's gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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Homeowners looking for painter & decorator rates near Chester

Full house redecoration. White throughout.

Paint a 3 room flat (46sqm) and apply some mould spray in certain areas


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Painter & Decorator's near Chester

See table for all Painter & Decorator rates in Chester

Since our founding in 2010, Steve Jones Decorating Services has become a trusted, rated, and reliable firm of painters a...

Estimated cost of painting and decorating work in Chester

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