Southampton fire & security specialists charge from £33 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent

Average Southampton fire & security specialist hourly rate is £35

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £33 per hour and £248 per day (Verisure Smart Alarms - Southampton based in SO15) to the dearest, normally the best, £36 per hour and £254 per day (L M Electrical Contractors Limited based in SO15).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of fire & security specialists gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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How much do fire & security jobs cost in Southampton

Rates for other Southampton trades

Fire & Security Specialist hourly and daily rates in Southampton
Fire & Security Specialist Hourly and Daily Rates in Southampton (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Business nameHourly RateDaily Rate
R S E Electrical & Maintenance Ltd, Southampton, SO15 £35£252
M C I Electrical, Southampton, SO15 £35£252
MJS Construction Group Ltd, Southampton, SO14 £35£253
L M Electrical Contractors Limited, Southampton, SO15 £35£254
Avenue Electrical Ltd, Southampton, SO17 £35£252
Dynamic Electrical Solutions Ltd, Southampton, SO14 £35£253
Powerplus Communications Ltd, Southampton, SO14 £35£253
Marcade Building Services Ltd, Southampton, SO14 £35£253
Quayside Electrical Ltd, Southampton, SO14 £35£253
Verisure Smart Alarms - Southampton, Mountbatten Business Centre Millbrook Road E, SOUTHAMPTON, Hampshire, SO15 £34£248
J Green Electrical Services Ltd, Southampton, SO15 £35£252
Royle Jackson Ltd, Southampton, SO14 £35£252
Premise Property Maintenance Limited, 53-57 Park Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO15 £33£249
Tandem Electrical Ltd, Southampton, SO14 £35£252
Adalec Electrical Contractors Ltd, Southampton, SO14 £35£252
GA UK Group Ltd, Southampton, SO14 £35£252
Infinigreen Limited, Southampton, SO15 £35£252
Cablefrog Electrical, Southampton, SO14 £35£252
Carl Thomas, Southampton, SO19 £36£253
Rigfone Electrics Ltd, Southampton, SO18 £36£253
R F Electrical Services, Southampton, SO15 £35£252
Thomas Loughlin, Southampton, SO15 £35£252
J Thorn Electrical, Southampton, SO19 £35£252
K & C Electrical, Southampton, SO14 £35£252
C.Thorne Building Ltd, Southampton, SO15 £35£252

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