Edinburgh roofers charge from £31 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent

Average Edinburgh roofer hourly rate is £33

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £31 per hour and £230 per day (Stuart McKenzie Roofing Services based in EH13) to the dearest, normally the best, £50 per hour and £350 per day (Travelling Workshop Limited based in EH6).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of roofers gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Click 'Get quotes' and describe your job and we will send it to your local roofers for FREE.

Recent roofing job in Edinburgh

"Reposition and replace if necessary slates where these have come loose Clean out guttering and fix leaking joint to rear Blank off the bottom of the ridging, particularly at rear Repoint as necessary "


"Missing tile from roof that need to be replaced on my 2 storey house"


"A leak in the attic "


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How much do roofing jobs cost in Edinburgh

Job detailsEstimate
Cost to build a new roof£6212
Cost to replace roof ridge tiles£203
Cost to replace a gutter£169
Cost to replace flashing and leadwork£678
Cost to replace fascia and soffits£226
Cost to repair a chimney£226
Cost to repair a leaky roof£113
Cost to replace a flat roof£678
Chimney flue installation£452
Upgrading old tiles or Cotswolds stone roofs£2823 or a 2bed house
Bird proofing fitting multi-purpose chimney cowls£113
Site visit to inspect the health of a roof£226
Fitting 1 or 2 air vents on a roof£271
Replacement of 6 broken standard tiles£113
Stripping old slate and replacing with new slate on a 4 bed, 2 storey, detached house£9374
Stripping old tiles and replacing with new tiles on a 4 bed, 2 storey, detached house£7454
Stripping old slate and replacing with new slate on a 4 bed, 2 storey, semi-detached house£7002
Stripping old slate and replacing with new slate on a 2 bed bungalow£5647
Stripping old tiles and replacing with new tiles on a 2-bed bungalow£5082
Installing a flat roof on a 4x4m conservatory£1355
Installing a flat roof with a rubber membrane on a single garage£1073

Rates for other Edinburgh trades

Roofer hourly and daily rates in Edinburgh
Roofer Hourly and Daily Rates in Edinburgh (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Business nameHourly RateDaily Rate
Rosslyn Roofing, Edinburgh, EH1 £32£231
Apex Developments, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH3 £32£232
H&A Roofing and Building Services Ltd, 5/18 Simpson Loan, Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, EH3 £32£231
W & S Christie Roofing, Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, EH7 £32£231
Thomson Roofing Services, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH3 £32£231
Ronald G Graham Roofing & Building Ltd, 20 Gordon St, Edinburgh, EH6 £32£231
Travelling Workshop Limited, Midlothian, EH6 £50£350
Platinum Works Joinery Limited, Edinburgh, EH8 £32£232
Regal Roofing Services, Edinburgh, EH4 £32£231
Garage Roof (Scotland), Edinburgh, EH15 £32£231
Renwick & Duffy, , EH16 £32£233
Sighthill Roofing, Edinburgh, EH11 £32£232
Stuart McKenzie Roofing Services, Edinburgh, EH13 £32£230
Edinburgh Glass and Glazing, Edinburgh, EH12 £32£231
Kemp Roofing Contracts, , EH12 £32£232
1st Roofing Edinburgh, Loanhead, EH20 £32£230
J D S Roofing, Loanhead, EH20 £32£231
Mr., ROSLIN, EH25 £32£230
Cleland Roofing Solutions Limited, Midlothian, EH19 £32£231
Dalkeith Roofing & Building Scotland Ltd, Dalkeith, EH22 £32£231
Total Roofing & Scaffolding, Musselburgh, EH21 £32£232
A S H ROOFING LTD, , EH22 £31£234
Robert Waterson Roofing, Newton grange, EH22 £32£232
Roof Force, Burntisland, KY3 £32£231
Stuart & Moffat Roofing Contractors Ltd, Dalkeith, EH22 £32£232

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