Average Edinburgh bathroom fitter hourly rate is £39

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £25 per hour and £200 per day (Holyrood Plumbing and Heating based in EH8) to the dearest, normally the best, £60 per hour and £480 per day (1 Call Plumbing Services based in EH12).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of bathroom fitters gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Click 'Get quotes' and describe your job and we will send it to your local bathroom fitters for FREE.

"Repair a crack near the wash basin…"


"Not a full refit but items removed and replaced in bathroom.also looking for downstairs flooring to be lifted and replaced "


" 1900 built flat in Leith area near Abbeyhill . Need to replace a old bath tub and change it to a new standing bath shower tray. New Toilet or just re-adjust the current placement of the toilet for more space Fit a new washing machine and adjust water..."


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How much do bathroom fitter jobs cost in Edinburgh

Cost to install a home sauna steam room£2124
Cost to fit a new bathroom£4124
Cost to install a wetroom£797
Cost to install a downstairs guest toilet£1112
Cost to install bathroom cladding£321
2. Enter postcode to get estimate
plus materials

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Rates for other Edinburgh trades

Bathroom Fitter hourly and daily rates in Edinburgh
Bathroom Fitter Hourly and Daily Rates in Edinburgh (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Business nameHourly RateDaily Rate
Pipe dreams plumbing company, 44/3 Cumberland st, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH3 £39£252
Brian Thomson Domestic Plumbing, 3, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH7 £39£254
PlumbPete, Edinburgh, EH6 £50£300
Craiglockhart Plumbing Ltd, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH9 £39£251
Holyrood Plumbing and Heating, Edinburgh, EH8 £35£200
Scott Findlay Plumbing & Heating Ltd, Scotland, EH8 £39£253
Travelling Workshop Limited, Midlothian, EH6 £50£350
Bathroom Installation, Edinburgh, EH11 £39£255
Edinburgh Emergency Plumbers, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH15 £39£249
Unique Project, Edinburgh, EH16 £39£253
Albion Plumbing, 57 Milton Crescent, Duddingston, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH15 £38£248
Edinburgh Bathroom Renovations, Edinburgh, EH4 £39£255
Bubble fresh cleaning solutions , Edinburgh, EH4 £39£256
First call plumbing services, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Eh15 £38£247
Studio 2 Bathhroom & Kitchens, Edinburgh, EH10 £39£256
fraser bathrooms, Edinburgh, EH4 £42£268
G S A Bathrooms, Edinburgh, EH15 £39£252
True Build Trade Services Ltd, Edinburgh, EH12 £39£256
PKN Mechanical Solutions, Dalkeith, EH22 £30£240
Macdonalds, Edinburgh, EH14 £39£256
Edinburgh City Bathrooms, Dalkeith, EH22 £39£254
J M Archibald & Son Plumbing & Heating Services Ltd, , EH21 £40£253
Plumbing and building Services, huddersfield, M155EQ £25£250
1 Call Plumbing Services, Edinburgh , EH12 £60£480
Scott-Eco Builders Ltd, Musselburgh, EH21 £25£250

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Check trade rates for best bathroom fitters around Edinburgh

clear on price Bathroom Fitter
Check trade rates for best bathroom fitters around Edinburgh (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Bathroom Fitters near Edinburgh£39£257
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Bathroom Fitters near Fife£39£258
Bathroom Fitters near Falkirk£41£263
Bathroom Fitters near South Lanarkshire£39£266
Bathroom Fitters near North Lanarkshire£40£266
Bathroom Fitters near Scottish Borders£45£346