West Lothian removals & storages charge from £25 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent

Average West Lothian removals & storage hourly rate is £46

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £25 per hour and £150 per day (Man & Van Lanarkshire based in ML2) to the dearest, normally the best, £75 per hour and £600 per day (Just Move It based in EH54).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of removals & storages gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Click 'Get quotes' and describe your job and we will send it to your local removals & storages for FREE.

Recent removal and storage job in West Lothian

Moving a bed to skip blackburn and picking up a bed from blackburn to wester inch how mutch will it cost

Moving house less that 5 minutes drive away from Clement Rise to Nigel Rise. Two bedroom house needing moved. Packing can be done by ourselves unless price is competitive

Moving home 1 bed flat 1st floor

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How much do removal and storage jobs cost in West Lothian

Job detailsEstimate
Moving crew for 2 bed house£8450
Moving crew for studio or 1 bed flat£1086
Moving crew for 2 bed house£1690
1 man in van for studio or 1 bed flat£121
2 man in van for 1 or 2 bed flat£181
2 man in van for 2 bed house£241
Moving crew for 2 or 3 bed house£664
Moving crew for studio or 1 bed flat£724
Moving crew for 2 or 3 bed house£1086
1 bed flat - per month£241
2 bed home - per month£362

Rates for other West Lothian trades

Removals & Storage hourly and daily rates in West Lothian
Removals & Storage Hourly and Daily Rates in West Lothian (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Business nameHourly RateDaily Rate
N J F Van Man, Livingston, EH54 £46£336
Just Move It, Livingston, EH54 £75£600
Purdie Worldwide Removals & Storage Limited t/a Matt Purdie & Sons, 48-54 East Main Street, Blackburn, Bathg, EH47 £43£326
West Lothian Removals 247, Broxburn, EH52 £47£347
McNicoll Vehicle Hire, Ashley Cottage, 63 Braehead Road, Linlithgow, West Lothian, EH49 £43£325
A Man in a Van, Newbridge, EH28 £47£356
FixItAll, Edinburgh , EH14 £47£355
Fife Uk Removals, High Valleyfield, Fife, ky12 £43£331
Umove Removals of Falkirk, Falkirk, FK1 £44£288
Fife Man & Van, Dunfermline, KY11 £46£344
Fife-wide 2 Man & Van, Dunfermline, KY11 £47£351
Falkirk Van Hire & Removals, Falkirk, FK1 £43£279
Man With Van Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH11 £47£356
We Move You, Edinburgh, EH10 £47£356
Clockwork Removals Ltd (Edinburgh), Scotland, EH5 £47£355
Man With a Van Falkirk, Larbert, FK5 £44£302
Kingdom Removals, Edinburgh, City of Edinburgh, EH6 £46£349
Happy to Help Van Removals Edinburgh, , EH6 £47£356
Man & Van Lanarkshire, Wishaw, ML2 £25£150
Akops, Edinburgh, EH6 £47£356
Edinburgh Van Man, Edinburgh, EH6 £47£356
Mini Movers, Edinburgh, EH7 £47£355
Precision Removals & Storage, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH6 £46£347
Removals in Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH7 £47£356
Box Smart, Glasgow, G68 £44£284

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