Average Glasgow tiler hourly rate is £24

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £20 per hour and £160 per day (Christopher Griffin Decorators based in G44) to the dearest, normally the best, £45 per hour and £360 per day (ADM Painters Decorators Glasgow based in G20).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of tilers gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Click 'Get quotes' and describe your job and we will send it to your local tilers for FREE.

"Bathroom tiling work - walls around 22 sq meters and the floor is around 4 sq meter - looking for rough estimate regards "


" To replace 2 feet x 2 feet area in our bathroom wall tiles. The tiles are loose because of missing grout and the gyp rock behind the tiles is damaged. We already take the old tiles off from the wall. New gyp rock to install in that area and about 20..."


" To tile hall (bare floorboards atm so will need hardboard down first?) and also kitchen. Kitchen has existing hardboard laid down (rectangle galley type). All same tiles. Will be ceramic or porcelain that look like wood planks. Totally guessing..."


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How much do wall, floor and bathroom tiling jobs cost in Glasgow

Cost to tile a kitchen£368
Cost to tile a floor£552
Cost to tile a bathroom£552
Cost to regrout tiles£274
Cost for different types of tiles£368
Tile a 14m2 kitchen floor with ceramic tiles£520
Tiling a medium size bathroom, walls already stripped and prepped£24
Laying tiles in a 5 square meter kitchen already prepped and ready£24
Laying patio tiles or tiling a small sized conservatory£24
Removing old grout and silicone to re-seal and re-grout a shower space£24
2. Enter postcode to get estimate
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Rates for other Glasgow trades

Check trade rates for best tilers around Glasgow

clear on price Tiler
Check trade rates for best tilers around Glasgow (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Tilers near Glasgow£23£180
Tilers near East Dunbartonshire£23£180
Tilers near Renfrewshire£24£190
Tilers near North Lanarkshire£23£176
Tilers near Falkirk£23£173
Tilers near South Lanarkshire£22£168
Tilers near North Ayrshire£27£181
Tilers near West Lothian£25£187
Tilers near East Ayrshire£24£172
Tilers near South Ayrshire£28£194