Average Exeter roofer hourly rate is £24

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £22 per hour and £176 per day (GROVE ROOFING & BUILDING SERV based in EX16) to the dearest, normally the best, £24 per hour and £199 per day (Quality construction based in TQ12).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of roofers gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Click 'Get quotes' and describe your job and we will send it to your local roofers for FREE.

"Need to fix the leakage in garage roof along the walls"


"Attend to leaking roof"


" free written quote from self employed roofer only old house and outbuilding refit 30 approx slipped slates with slate hooks refit 1 ridge pan tile and 3 approx pan tiles minor repair mortar on roof hip repair lead on 2 chimneys repoint..."


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How much do roofing jobs cost in Exeter

Cost to build a new roof£5409
Cost to replace roof ridge tiles£191
Cost to replace a gutter£282
Cost to replace flashing and leadwork£598
Cost to replace fascia and soffits£292
Cost to repair a chimney£142
Cost to repair a leaky roof£94
Cost to replace a flat roof£482
Chimney flue installation£24
Upgrading old tiles or Cotswolds stone roofs£24 or a 2bed house
Bird proofing fitting multi-purpose chimney cowls£24
Site visit to inspect the health of a roof£24
Fitting 1 or 2 air vents on a roof£24
Replacement of 6 broken standard tiles£24
Stripping old slate and replacing with new slate on a 4 bed, 2 storey, detached house£24
Stripping old tiles and replacing with new tiles on a 4 bed, 2 storey, detached house£24
Stripping old slate and replacing with new slate on a 4 bed, 2 storey, semi-detached house£24
Stripping old slate and replacing with new slate on a 2 bed bungalow£24
Stripping old tiles and replacing with new tiles on a 2-bed bungalow£24
Installing a flat roof on a 4x4m conservatory£24
Installing a flat roof with a rubber membrane on a single garage£24
2. Enter postcode to get estimate
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Rates for other Exeter trades

Check trade rates for best roofers around Exeter

Check trade rates for best roofers around Exeter (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Roofers near Exeter£24£191
Roofers near Teignbridge£24£193
Roofers near East Devon£24£190
Roofers near Torbay£24£195
Roofers near Plymouth£26£202