Bristol removals & storages charge from £35 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent

Average Bristol removals & storage hourly rate is £41

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £35 per hour and £280 per day (Van OD based in BS5) to the dearest, normally the best, £41 per hour and £325 per day (Removal in bristol based in BS4).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of removals & storages gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Click 'Get quotes' and describe your job and we will send it to your local removals & storages for FREE.

Recent removal and storage job in Bristol

2 seat sofa 55 inch TV TV unit Single bed Single mattress Double bed Double mattress Cooker Washing machine Small fridge freezer 2x mirrors

I need someone to pack boxes ,, contents of 1bed flat to go to removal company storage for a week, and transfer to new property 7 mile's away

Hello,i am moving in mid to late Feb from Glastonbury to Bristol.Its a 1 bed flat without sofa,no wardrobes,no,big lounge chairs,no,big cabinets,no cooker,now washer. Ive lots of cases with clothes of my kids+i,lots of bags of books,paperwork,small chairs,small dresser,small table,6 long large mirrors,double matress,wrought iron bed frame.personal shoes,bags,etc. If i can get them to storage in...

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How much do removal and storage jobs cost in Bristol

Job detailsEstimate
Moving crew for 2 bed house£7479
Moving crew for studio or 1 bed flat£962
Moving crew for 2 bed house£1496
1 man in van for studio or 1 bed flat£107
2 man in van for 1 or 2 bed flat£160
2 man in van for 2 bed house£214
Moving crew for 2 or 3 bed house£588
Moving crew for studio or 1 bed flat£641
Moving crew for 2 or 3 bed house£962
1 bed flat - per month£214
2 bed home - per month£321

Rates for other Bristol trades