Patio & Path Specialist's rates near Bristol

Range from the cheapest £25 per hour and £200 per day (HOMESTAR based in BS7) to the dearest £32 per hour and £221 per day (Claro Design and Build based in BS5).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of Patio & Path Specialist's gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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Homeowners looking for patio & path specialist rates near Bristol

Looking to build a small patio approx 4 x 3 metres. Made of 42 slabs (ie. 7 x 6) plus a single row of 11 bricks. We have all the slabs and bricks.

Lay a patio in the back garden leading to the back door, we already have slabs just need them laying

Wanting to extend a patio that is about 5m wide 3 metres long. I would like the patio extended length ways by at least another meter to what is currently a level grass area with the patio. The patio is made up of Peak Riven Buff Paving slabs (not home and can't remember what size they are maybe 400mm?) Semi-detached 7 yr old house with side garden entrance.

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Estimated cost of work in Bristol

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