Patio & Path Specialist's rates near Cambridge

Range from the cheapest £29 per hour and £218 per day (DA Landscape based in CB4) to the dearest £50 per hour and £400 per day (ALLIED BUILDING ASSOCIATES LTD based in CB22).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of Patio & Path Specialist's gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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Homeowners looking for patio & path specialist rates near Cambridge

We need to sink an armoured cable for charging an electric car (roughly 15m long) and the electric company don’t do the trench digging and re-filling. We are looking for a contractor who can remove the existing paving brick-tiles and dig down the required depth. The electric company will lay the cable, then we need the path-contractor to fill it in again and replace the brick-tiles as...

Pave a walkpath in the front garden leading to the main entrance. Roughly 9 sqm.

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Patio & Path Specialist's near Cambridge

See table for all Patio & Path Specialist rates in Cambridge

If you are looking for a blockpaving specialist in Cambridge Cambs Driveways and Patios Ltd can help. We have been trans...

Estimated cost of work in Cambridge

Rates for other Cambridge trades