Painter & Decorator's rates near Cambridge

Range from the cheapest £20 per hour and £150 per day (E G Nelson Painter based in CB4) to the dearest £50 per hour and £250 per day (Graham Halpenny Decorators Ltd based in CB4).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of Painter & Decorator's gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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Homeowners looking for painter & decorator rates near Cambridge

2bd flat requiring the following fresh lick of paint, incl. all ceilings (matt white) and skirting boards (white gloss) and 8x doors - 2x bedrooms - 1x en-suite bathroom - 1x main bathroom - 1x open plan lounge dining area - 1x small kitchen

Hello I am renovating my whole house and have a few jobs including full paint, door renovation.

We would like to redecorate our lounge area + door. There is potential for further redecorating in other rooms as well. We are sensitive to smell hence we'd like to buy our own paints. What are your daily rates and what would your quote be for painting the lounge area (sand-down, 2 coats of paint).

Painter & Decorator looking for jobs near Cambridge?

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Estimated cost of painting and decorating work in Cambridge

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