Average Birmingham patio & path specialist hourly rate is £24

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £20 per hour and £182 per day (Solihull Gardening & Landscaping based in B26) to the dearest, normally the best, £26 per hour and £202 per day (Badger Windows Ltd based in B30).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of patio & path specialists gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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"Lay slabs in front garden "


"Paving 3 x 4 m Front of House Patio Paving back garden space 3 x 2 m"

MO, B30

"I need a driveway and steps down with some excavation work. 0779 911x xx "

TIM, B32

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How much do patio & path specialist jobs cost in Birmingham

Lay a resin patio£4166
Lay porcelain paving£4391
Repoint a patio£1081
Lay a new patio£3097
Lay a concrete patio£3466
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plus materials

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Rates for other Birmingham trades

Patio & Path Specialist hourly and daily rates in Birmingham
Patio & Path Specialist Hourly and Daily Rates in Birmingham (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Business nameHourly RateDaily Rate
Renka, Birmingham, West Midlands, B19 £24£192
BORDO Design, Birmingham, West Midlands, B3 £24£193
Spectrum Homes, Birmingham, West Midlands, B3 £24£192
Probuild360, 1 Phoenix Park, Avenue Rd, Birmingham, West Midlands, B7 £24£192
Mountainview Construction, Neville House, 42-46 Hagley Rd, Birmingham, West Midlands, B16 £24£193
Parkfield Building Services Ltd, unit 6 chancel way, Birmingham, B6 £24£192
Dayfos Properties Ltd, Suit B Fairgate House, 205 Kings Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B11 £24£192
Fletchers Building & Maintenance, Ltd., Birmingham , B11 £20£200
2nd Generation Building Services, Moseley, Birmingham, West Midlands, B13 £24£191
Multiservice K Construction Ltd, Birmingham, B17 £24£192
Solihull Gardening & Landscaping, West Midlands, B26 £22£182
Badger Windows Ltd, Unit 3, 1084 Pershore Road, Stirchley, B, B30 £26£202
GKR Plastering Ltd, , B23 £24£190
G Wilson Building & Roofing Services, Birmingham , B33 £25£200
Stourbridge Tiling Services & Bathroom Refurbs, , B28 £24£189
Greenacres Contractors Ltd, West Midlands, B27 £22£182
CT Plastering, , B26 £24£189
Khan Builders, , B33 £24£190
D&J Advanced Builders, Birmingham, B44 £24£191
Boldmere Plastering, , B72 £24£190
Warmsafe Solutions, Birmingham, B28 £24£190
ZN Builders, , B68 £24£190
JT Home Improvement, 118 May Lane, Kings Heath, Birmingham, West Midlands, B14 £24£191
Plastering Perfection, , B34 £24£190
Fulford & Sons Construction, , B33 £24£190

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