Average West Lancashire door fitter hourly rate is £26

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £16 per hour and £140 per day (Bespoke joiner based in WN4) to the dearest, normally the best, £30 per hour and £227 per day (M D Joinery (Southport) Ltd based in PR9).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of door fitters gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Click 'Get quotes' and describe your job and we will send it to your local door fitters for FREE.

"Two external doors to be inserted"


"To just fit 2 interior hollow hall doors and include fitting door handles which we already have all items "


"Looking for a joiner to hang 16 doors"

LEE, L32

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How much do door fitter jobs cost in West Lancashire

Cost to hang a door£72
2. Enter postcode to get estimate
plus materials

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Rates for other West Lancashire trades

Check trade rates for best door fitters around West Lancashire

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Check trade rates for best door fitters around West Lancashire (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Door Fitters near West Lancashire£26£184
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Door Fitters near Wigan£26£188
Door Fitters near St Helens£27£187
Door Fitters near Knowsley£27£187
Door Fitters near Liverpool£27£185
Door Fitters near Preston£26£179
Door Fitters near Halton£27£188
Door Fitters near Wirral£27£185
Door Fitters near Warrington£26£190