Average West Lancashire pest control expert hourly rate is £26

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £15 per hour and £200 per day (Lancashire Pest Control Ltd based in PR7) to the dearest, normally the best, £45 per hour and £385 per day (Jwim based in M44).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of pest control experts gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Click 'Get quotes' and describe your job and we will send it to your local pest control experts for FREE.

"Pigeons have been nesting in a barn storing farm equipment. Currently have 6 birds with more eggs being laid"


"Fleas, looked after a dog that brought fleas with him, tried bombs, sprays powders cleaned everything a millions times and they are still jumping on me!!"


"Hi, I would like to have bird (pigeon) proofing the solar panels on the roof of my 2 story house: 41 Mount Pleasant Road CH455EN New Brighton"


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How much do pest control jobs cost in West Lancashire

Pigeon culling£26
Bird proofing£26
Camera survey£26
Flea fumigation£26
Wasp nest treatment£26 per nest
Woodworm eradication£26
Bedbug removal£26
Silverfish removal£26
Ant control£26
Cockroach removal£26
Cluster flies£26
Ladybird removal£26
General insects removal£26
Mole & squirrel trapping£26
Mole gassing£26
Rabbit cage trapping£26
Rabbit gassing£26
Rabbit shooting£26
Fox repellent£26
Fox dusk or night shooting£26
Fox trapping£26
Mouse and rat control£26
Rodent proofing£26
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Rates for other West Lancashire trades

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Check trade rates for best pest control experts around West Lancashire (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
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Pest Control Experts near Wirral£26£230
Pest Control Experts near Warrington£28£249