Pembrokeshire builders charge from £12 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent

Average Pembrokeshire builder hourly rate is £18

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £12 per hour and £120 per day (Cleaning Services - We Can Do It based in SA73) to the dearest, normally the best, £22 per hour and £176 per day (N Morgans & Son Ltd based in SA34).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of builders gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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How much do building jobs cost in Pembrokeshire

Job detailsEstimate
Cost to repoint or repair brickwork£224
Chimney breast removal cost£513
Cost to build a retaining wall£205
Building a conservatory including foundation£1466
Structure repair£586
Damp protection for internal walls £205 per wall
Damp protection for external walls£220 per wall
Rising damp treatment£205 per wall
Demolition of a garage£733
Demolition of a patio, driveway, shed, outside space£586
Creating a dropped kerb£366
One room extension £1466
Multi room extension£1466 per room
Removal of old floor and laying a new floor£110 per room
Repairing floors by filling gaps, sanding, staining, sealing and securing loose floorboards£73 per room
Converting a garage into a bedroom£2932

Rates for other Pembrokeshire trades