Get quotes to decorate a bedroom in Broadland from £390

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Painter and decorators estimates (based on hourly rates) to decorate a bedroom in Broadland

Range from the cheapest decorating of a bedroom £390 (City Tiling based in NR11) to the dearest decorating of a bedroom £900 (Combined Building Services based in NR6).

Comparing painter & decorators estimates for painting and decorating a bedroom gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Get rates and quotes to decorate a bedroom in Broadland by posting a job with HaMuch and we will send it to painter & decorators in Broadland.

Estimates for paint and decorate a bedroom near Broadland
  • How much should it cost to paint a bedroom?
  • Factors affecting the cost of decorating a bedroom
  • Brand of paint
  • How long does it take to paint a bedroom in the UK?
  • Can you sleep in a freshly painted room?
  • Is it cheaper to paint a room yourself?
  • In what order should you paint a room?

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