Get quotes to paint a warehouse or business premises in Poole from £1176

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Painter and decorators estimates (based on hourly rates) to paint a business premises in Poole

Range from the cheapest painting of an office or warehouse £1176 (Dorset Spray Plastering & Painting Contractors based in BH15) to the dearest painting of an office or warehouse £1505 (Intserv Painting based in BH9).

Comparing painter & decorators estimates for painting a business premises gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Get rates and quotes to paint a commercial building in Poole by posting a job with HaMuch and we will send it to painter & decorators in Poole.

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Spray under side of commercial building roof will provide own paint as have purchased zinsser for the cement boards as this paint is for this specific purpose unit is 7 meters wide and 25 metres long with roof lights

Estimates for paint office or warehouse near Poole
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  • How long does it take a professional painter to paint a room?
  • Office painting costs
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  • Get a range of quotes

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