Range from the cheapest painting of a bathroom £338 (A Edwards & Son based in PE9) to the dearest painting of a bathroom £444 (Trinity Green Building Contractors based in PE6).
Comparing painter & decorators estimates for painting a bathroom gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.
What to do - Get rates and quotes to paint a bathroom in Peterborough by posting a job with HaMuch and we will send it to painter & decorators in Peterborough.
Location in UK | Hourly Rate | Daily Rate |
Paint A Bathroom near Peterborough | £33 | £215 |
Paint A Bathroom near Huntingdonshire | £33 | £212 |
Paint A Bathroom near South Kesteven | £26 | £178 |
Paint A Bathroom near Cambridge | £28 | £192 |
Paint A Bathroom near Bedford | £32 | £206 |
Paint A Bathroom near South Bedfordshire | £32 | £206 |
Paint A Bathroom near South Cambridgeshire | £29 | £191 |
Paint A Bathroom near Northampton | £29 | £200 |