Patio & Path Specialist's rates near South Oxfordshire

Range from the cheapest £29 per hour and £218 per day (J. Drewe Landscaping and Maintenance Ltd. based in OX11) to the dearest £35 per hour and £245 per day (BA Knott Oxford Ltd based in OX4).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of Patio & Path Specialist's gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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Homeowners looking for patio & path specialist rates near South Oxfordshire

Build a patio in new build garden for garden furniture.

I would like my driveway and small patio area fully jet washed and cleaned before the weather picks up. Is this something you can do please?

Patio slabs to be laid back garden L shaped concrete already down ie(foundations) smallish back garden so not a big time consuming job slabs will be supplied

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Patio & Path Specialist's near South Oxfordshire

See table for all Patio & Path Specialist rates in South Oxfordshire

Estimated cost of work in South Oxfordshire

Rates for other South Oxfordshire trades