Painter & Decorator's rates near Reading

Range from the cheapest £20 per hour and £150 per day (Turner Trades based in RG30) to the dearest £40 per hour and £203 per day ( based in RG5).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of Painter & Decorator's gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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Homeowners looking for painter & decorator rates near Reading

Painting celling after small water leek , two rooms and bathroom celling

3 or 4 walls need a base coat and a fresh white coat of paint. Small 2 bed apartment with old, discoloured walls. Roughly 2-3 hours work. Can be done anytime in April.

Paint throughout: Walls magnolia, woodwork and ceiling BW. Tenanted small terrace house post code RG1 2TD: 2 beds, 2 receptions, stairwell, kitchen & bathroom. All windows UPVC - so no painting.

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Estimated cost of painting and decorating work in Reading

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