Wolverhampton electricians charge from £33 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent

Average Wolverhampton electrician hourly rate is £33

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £33 per hour and £225 per day (New Gen Sparks Contractors Ltd based in WV1) to the dearest, normally the best, £40 per hour and £226 per day (Green Eco Energy Solutions Ltd based in WV3).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of electricians gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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Recent electrical job in Wolverhampton

The power switch to the shower has gone. I believe the fuse to the wires are gone

Wired video door bell

Removal of wired House alarm. 3 sensors, main control box, outside unit.

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How much do electrical jobs cost in Wolverhampton

Rates for other Wolverhampton trades

Electrician hourly and daily rates in Wolverhampton
Electrician Hourly and Daily Rates in Wolverhampton (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Business nameHourly RateDaily Rate
New Gen Sparks Contractors Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV1 £33£225
Green Eco Energy Solutions Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV3 £33£226
Bazmatic Electrical, Wolverhampton, WV1 £33£226
Sam Lighting Limited, Wolverhampton, WV1 £33£225
J H Blount & Co Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV1 £33£226
E.C. Electrical Services Ltd, , WV1 £33£225
Dinos Building Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV3 £33£226
Wulfrun Building Solutions Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV3 £33£226
RMC Mechanical Services Limited, Wolverhampton, WV2 £33£226
The Electrician Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, WV10 £33£226
ELECTRIC AL MIDLANDS LTD, Wolverhampton, WV1 £33£225
R Yates & Co Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV3 £33£226
Ian Heating Services, Wolverhampton, WV6 £33£226
CBK Electrical Services Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV2 £33£226
A S H Electrical, Wolverhampton, WV10 £33£226
MIB Electrical LTD, Wolverhampton, WV3 £33£226
ACE Electrical (Wolverhampton) Ltd t/a Ace Solar Energy, Wolverhampton, WV1 £33£226
Insulate UK Limited, Wolverhampton, WV2 £33£226
Jooced Custom Sound & Vision Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV2 £33£226
MST & James Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV10 £33£226
Ace of Builds Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV2 £33£226
Bellwick Developments Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV2 £40£226
Powerbase Electrical Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV6 £33£226
Consult Design Manage Ltd, Wolverhampton, WV1 £33£226
AMO Electrical & Security, Wolverhampton, WV2 £33£226

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