Average Bolton carpenter & joiner hourly rate is £27

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £20 per hour and £120 per day (Aquatec Builder based in OL10) to the dearest, normally the best, £40 per hour and £250 per day (Ben Robinson based in M29).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of carpenter & joiners gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Click 'Get quotes' and describe your job and we will send it to your local carpenter & joiners for FREE.

"I have got kiosk in Blackburn mall, needs to fit units over there. Units all good to go. Just need joiner to fitted all units in to one "


"Level 4 rooms door , fix one bedroom door and put the lock in three doors , assemble chest table and a bed. "


"Replace 6 doors and 6 frames"


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How much do carpentry and joinery jobs cost in Bolton

Cost to create under stairs storage£766
Cost to install a partition wall£210
Cost to fit out a shop£899
Cost to fit out a restaurant£1114
Cost to replace a window sill£366
Cost to replace the floorboards£366
Cost to replace the staircase and bannister£2366
Supply and fit new skirting, architrave and door frames£258
Cost to replace a door frame£183
Cost to install a loft ladder£139
Cost to board the loft£549
Cost to fit fitted wardrobes£2366
Cost to have bespoke bookshelves fitted£228
Cost to fit blinds£54 per blind
Cost to make and fit a radiator cover£259
Cost to fit a cat flap£108
Cost to box in pipes£369
Cost to design and fit alcove cupboards or shelves£569
Repairs on window frames and windowpanes including leaks£27 per window
Design and create a wooden chair£27
Design and install a built-in wardrobe, cupboard, cabinet or desk£27
Replacement and hanging of a new exterior door shaving if needed to fit£27
Putting together IKEA style furniture£27
Lay a flat and prepared floor in an average size room£27
Repair scratches, scuffs on furniture£27
Make a wooden replacement sash window frame£27
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plus materials

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Rates for other Bolton trades

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Check trade rates for best carpenter & joiners around Bolton (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Carpenter & Joiners near Bolton£26£189
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Carpenter & Joiners near Manchester£28£194
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Carpenter & Joiners near Blackburn£26£181
Carpenter & Joiners near Oldham£27£192
Carpenter & Joiners near Warrington£27£188