Average Broxtowe bathroom fitter hourly rate is £37

Range from the cheapest, mostly independent, £20 per hour and £150 per day (M&M PAINT AND DECORATION based in NG9) to the dearest, normally the best, £41 per hour and £260 per day (DPM Plumbing Heating and Roofing based in DE7).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of bathroom fitters gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Click 'Get quotes' and describe your job and we will send it to your local bathroom fitters for FREE.

"To fit a shower screen panel for a wet room just one panel."


"Shower boards fitter."


"Strip and fit new bathroom tiles floor and walls(floor to ceiling). Floor Approx 2m by 2m. Large window."


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How much do bathroom fitter jobs cost in Broxtowe

Cost to install a home sauna steam room£1816
Cost to fit a new bathroom£3816
Cost to install a wetroom£681
Cost to install a downstairs guest toilet£958
Cost to install bathroom cladding£282
2. Enter postcode to get estimate
plus materials

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Rates for other Broxtowe trades

Bathroom Fitter hourly and daily rates in Broxtowe
Bathroom Fitter Hourly and Daily Rates in Broxtowe (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Business nameHourly RateDaily Rate
East Midland Plumbing & Heating, , NG16 £38£227
Ilkeston Heating & Plumbing Solutions, , DE7 £38£226
Ilkeston heating and plumbing solutions, 12 Cranmer Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, De7 £38£226
Blue Pebble Plumbing & Heating, , NG16 £38£227
Local Plumber, , NG16 £38£227
C & S Plumbing & Heating Services, , NG8 £38£229
repair protect, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 £38£233
N.Leonardi Limited, Unit B15 Bullwell Business Centre, Potte, NG6 £41£241
DPM Plumbing Heating and Roofing, Ilkeston, DE7 £40£260
JCM Plumbing & Heating, Nottingham, NG15 £38£226
Adem Plumbing and Heating Ltd, 22 Salcey Drive, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 £37£229
DNH Plumbing & Heating, , NG9 £38£227
Stapleford Plumbing Services, , NG9 £38£228
Darren Patrick Shields, , NG15 £39£229
A & A Plumbing & Heating, , NG9 £38£230
AT Plumbing & Gas Services, , DE75 £38£227
Thorpes Plumbing and Heating, , DE75 £38£227
Atlantis Bathrooms, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 £27£203
Rollasons Plumbing & Drainage, , NG15 £38£229
Tilefixuk, Nottinghamshire, NG15 £40£241
ServGas, , NG6 £38£229
LJS Installations, United Kingdom, NG10 £40£240
Easy Clean Nottingham, Easy Clean Nottingham Ltd 11 Oak Street Carrington Nottingham, NG5 £38£233

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Check trade rates for best bathroom fitters around Broxtowe (excluding VAT or callout charges)
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