Tilers estimates (based on hourly rates) for different types of tiles in Ipswich

Range from the cheapest choice of tiles £200 (LDS Decorating Services based in IP11) to the dearest choice of tiles £595 (Gidney Plumbing & Heating Ltd based in IP14).

Comparing tilers estimates for choosing different types of tiles gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Get rates and quotes for different types of tiles in Ipswich by posting a job with HaMuch and we will send it to tilers in Ipswich.

Estimates for which tile to choose near Ipswich
  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain
  • Quartz
  • Glass
  • Natural stone

  • Estimates for common tiler jobs in Ipswich;

    Cost to tile a kitchen£345
    Cost to tile a floor£518
    Cost to tile a bathroom£518
    Cost to regrout tiles£263
    Cost for different types of tiles£345
    Tile a 14m2 kitchen floor with ceramic tiles£509
    Tiling a medium size bathroom, walls already stripped and prepped£24
    Laying tiles in a 5 square meter kitchen already prepped and ready£24
    Laying patio tiles or tiling a small sized conservatory£24
    Removing old grout and silicone to re-seal and re-grout a shower space£24
    2. Enter postcode to get estimate
    plus materials

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