Get quotes to paint a ceiling in Plymouth from £108

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Painter and decorators estimates (based on hourly rates) to paint a ceiling in Plymouth

Range from the cheapest painting of a ceiling £108 (Highly Decorated Microcement based in PL2) to the dearest painting of a ceiling £138 (The Immaculate Group SW Ltd based in PL12).

Comparing painter & decorators estimates for painting your ceiling gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Get rates and quotes to paint a ceiling in Plymouth by posting a job with HaMuch and we will send it to painter & decorators in Plymouth.

Estimates for paint a ceiling near Plymouth
  • How much does it cost to paint a ceiling in the UK?
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  • How long does it take a painter to paint a ceiling?
  • Is it hard to repaint a ceiling?
  • Does a ceiling need 2 coats of paint?
  • Do you paint the ceiling or wall first?

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