Get quotes to paint a bathroom in South Tyneside from £240

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Painter and decorators estimates (based on hourly rates) to paint a bathroom in South Tyneside

Range from the cheapest painting of a bathroom £240 (True Colours Property Services based in NE32) to the dearest painting of a bathroom £342 (His and Hers Quality Painters and Decorators based in NE31).

Comparing painter & decorators estimates for painting a bathroom gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

What to do - Get rates and quotes to paint a bathroom in South Tyneside by posting a job with HaMuch and we will send it to painter & decorators in South Tyneside.

Estimates for paint a bathroom near South Tyneside
  • How much should it cost to paint a bathroom?
  • What affects the cost of painting my bathroom?
  • Do you need special paint to paint a bathroom?
  • Does bathroom paint need 2 coats?
  • Can I paint my bathroom myself?
  • How soon after painting a bathroom can you shower?

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