Range from the cheapest painting of a bathroom £240 (Ian Woan Painter & Decorator based in FY5) to the dearest painting of a bathroom £334 (Damp whisperer based in FY1).
Comparing painter & decorators estimates for painting a bathroom gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.
What to do - Get rates and quotes to paint a bathroom in Blackpool by posting a job with HaMuch and we will send it to painter & decorators in Blackpool.
Job | Estimate |
Cost to wallpaper a room | £301 per room |
Cost to stain or oil decking | £89 |
Cost to remove wallpaper | £306 per room |
Cost to paint and decorate a house interior | £2211 |
Cost to paint or stain a fence | £178 |
Cost to paint soffits and fascias | £453 |
Cost to sand down and repaint skirting boards | £111 per room |
Cost to sand down and repaint interior doors | £125 per door |
Cost to paint house exterior | £1056 |
Cost to paint the hallway, stairs and landing | £452 |
Cost to paint the garage | £453 |
Cost to paint a front door | £303 |
Cost to decorate a bedroom | £453 |
Cost to paint office, business premises or warehouse | £1058 |
Cost to paint a ceiling | £114 per room |
Cost to paint kitchen cabinet doors | £334 |
Cost to paint a bathroom | £302 |
Cost to paint and decorate a room | £301 |
Cost to paint and decorate a living room | £614 |
Gloss work in good condition | £22 per room |
Gloss work in bad condition | £22 per room |
Re-paint a metal object | £22 |
1 bedroom flat / house | £22 |
2 bedroom flat | £22 |
3 bedroom house | £22 |
4/5 bedroom house | £22 |