Driveway specialist estimates (based on hourly rates) to lay a block paved driveway in Manchester

The cost of a block paving driveway in Manchester ranges from £2160 (Sparkle based in M9) to £4128 (Stonecraft paving & landscapes based in M30). There are plenty of other factors that can affect the cost, including the type of block you choose, what design you'd like and how big your driveway is.

Comparing driveway specialists estimates for laying a block paved driveway gives you an idea of who will be better value, but the best way to compare costs is to get real quotes.

Get rates and quotes for a new block paved driveway in Manchester by posting a job with HaMuch. We'll send it to driveway specialists in Manchester who will be happy to help.

Estimates for block paving driveway near Manchester
  • How much does a block paving driveway cost per m2?
  • What affects the cost of a block paved driveway?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of block paving driveways
  • How long before you can drive on a new block paved driveway?
  • How often should block paving be sealed?
  • Do I need a membrane under block paving?
  • Does a block paved driveway need drainage?

  • Estimates for common driveway specialist jobs in Manchester;

    Lay a tarmac driveway£3299
    Resin driveway£6524
    Cost to lay a new driveway£2524
    Lay an imprinted concrete driveway£2524
    Lay a new gravel driveway£2524
    Driveway gates£1691
    Lay a concrete driveway£2024
    Lay a block paving driveway£3524
    2. Enter postcode to get estimate
    plus materials

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