Pest Control Expert's rates near Falkirk

Range from the cheapest £60 per hour and £480 per day (Clark Environmental Pest Control based in EH48) to the dearest £60 per hour and £480 per day (Clark Environmental Pest Control based in EH48).

Comparing hourly and daily rates of Pest Control Expert's gives you an idea of who will be better value but the best way to compare costs is to get actual quotes.

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Homeowners looking for pest control expert rates near Falkirk

Wasp infestation removal

Mice and rats in the Attic

Mice, small in the kitchen

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Estimated cost of pest control work in Falkirk

Job detailsEstimate
Pigeon culling £193
Bird proofing £161
Camera survey £484
Flea fumigation £161
Wasp nest treatment £113 per nest
Woodworm eradication £1209
Bedbug removal £322
Silverfish removal £242
Ant control £193
Cockroach removal £210
Cluster flies £161
Ladybird removal £161
General insects removal £161
Mole & squirrel trapping £226
Mole gassing £403
Rabbit cage trapping £484
Rabbit gassing £484
Rabbit shooting £322
Fox repellent £161
Fox dusk or night shooting £403
Fox trapping £403
Mouse and rat control £242
Rodent proofing £161

Rates for other Falkirk trades

Pest Control Expert hourly and daily rates in Falkirk
Pest Control Expert Hourly and Daily Rates in Falkirk (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Business nameHourly RateDaily Rate
Clark Environmental Pest Control, Bathgate, EH48 £60£480
C P C Falconry Services, Linlithgow, EH49 £60£480
Burns Environmental Pest Prevention, Glasgow, G67 £60£480
Forth Pest Control, Inverkeithing, KY11 £60£480, Motherwell, ML1 £60£480
4a Pest Management, Glasgow, G66 £60£480