Locksmiths near Halesowen from £37 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent
Average hourly rate from 52 locksmiths in Halesowen ex VAT or callout

Locksmith: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Halesowen

clear on price Locksmith
Locksmith: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around Halesowen (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Locksmith near Dudley£52£229
Locksmith near Sandwell£52£229
Locksmith near Birmingham£52£228
Locksmith near Walsall£52£229
Locksmith near Wolverhampton£53£225
Locksmith near Solihull£49£215
Locksmith near Wychavon£59£265
Locksmith near Coventry£45£208
Locksmith near Warwick£43£187
Locksmith near Stratford-on-Avon£38£138

Jobs for Locksmiths near Halesowen

1. The outdoor garage lock needs to be replaced as we do not have the keys for it. The garage and the door are accessible from the inside. The garage door is a Cradle garage door. 2. The keys to the loft are also missing, and its lock needs to be replaced. It is a tubular cam lock type.

New Front door lock to be fitted on Thursday 5th September. 10:45am

Front door locked, can’t get in, key won’t turn

Locked myself out of my house. Lock is Yale nightlatch.

Gain access to tanant property. I have key but key in back of the door. The door is unlocked but automaticlly locks when shut

Open locked door key in otherside

Lock change needed on front doo

Central lock on pvc door is sticking

Replace front door Chubb lock. Works from outside but can’t unlock from inside. Temperamental- works sometimes. Does not require emergency call out.

Replace front door lock

Garage door and front door lock

Cars keys locked in my car

Mortice is stuck in locked position and will not open

Change locks for front door

Lost key to front door just need lock replacing nothing more - just need a rough idea of price

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