Electricians near TQ2 from £28 per hour

HaMuch is Excellent

Your Local Electrician In Torbay ,Devon  Our locally based electricians are able to help with any electrical problem you have or electrical service you require in Torquay and surrounding areas. We specialise in all types of electrical services, from re-wires to fuseboard changes our electricians cover it all. With many satisfied customers in the south west area ,Riviera Electrical offer a first class electricians service that is second to none. Our continuing success is due to our response...

Average hourly rate from 488 electricians in TQ2 ex VAT or callout

Electrician: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around TQ2

clear on price Electrician
Electrician: Average Hourly and Daily Rates around TQ2 (excluding VAT or callout charges)
Location in UKHourly RateDaily Rate
Electrician near Torbay£29£219
Electrician near Teignbridge£29£219
Electrician near Exeter£29£220
Electrician near East Devon£30£222
Electrician near Plymouth£31£226

Jobs for Electricians near TQ2

EV Charger Installation 7kw 15-25m from meter

EICR test for one bed flat, torquay

PAT testing

Switch to turn on a shower needs replacing

Bathroom light won’t turn off

PAT testing

Fit a smart doorbell

I have an outside box to fit / replace All wiring is in place . Shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes

Sort out a light fitting outside as the light stays on if turn off it blows fuse

May I please get a quote for installation on an electrical vehicle charging port at home (Including materials) Thank you.

Install electric oven

Change a cracking plug socket and a light fitting

PAT testing of fridge and electric fire in flat in TQ1 1TZ.

Bathroom extractor fan installation

Install an electric boiler

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